Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Leading High-Performing Teams

Leading High-Performing Teams

About this Course

This course will blend business theory and real-world insights to teach you the skills you need to better lead people and teams within your organization. Key topics will include motivation, communication, conflict management, team dynamics, and development of a healthy organizational culture. These “people skills” rank among the most challenging competencies for both novice and experienced leaders. This course will challenge you to understand your followers on a deeper level, as well as help you to reflect and improve on your own leadership practice. The course will draw on knowledge from psychology, human resource management, and organizational behavior, as well as the expertise of the management faculty and The University of Queensland. Through a series of engaging videos, interviews, written reflections, peer feedback, self-insight activities, and simulations, we unpack the ingredients that are critical for developing more effective people and higher performing teams.

Created by: The University of Queensland

Level: Intermediate

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