IoT Capstone Project

About this Course

This capstone course will help you to bring together everything you’ve learned in the IoT MicroMasters program. You will fully engage in the process of designing your own IoT solution. Starting with a systematic analysis of your creative idea, you will move through the research and design phases, conduct product planning, and identify a route to market for your IoT solution. You’ll work through stages and strategies involved in implementing or bringing a new (IoT) product to market, and learn practical concepts and techniques suited to new product planning, development, implementation and control. Note: The IoT Capstone Project (IOT6x) is the final course in CurtinX's Internet of Things (IoT) MicroMasters® Program. Learners must have successfully completed IOT1x, IOT2x, IOT3x, IOT4x, and IOT5x to enrol and participate in this capstone course. It is also only available for verified learners. Due to these prerequisites and the intensive nature of this instructor-paced course, the IoT Capstone Project only runs once a calendar year, typically from early April until mid-July. Enrolments close soon after the course starts.

Created by: Curtin University

Level: Intermediate

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