Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Guidance processes in Vocational Education and Training

Guidance processes in Vocational Education and Training

About this Course

The development of appropriate educational and vocational guidance in Vocational Education and Training (VET) requires action strategies from guidance and tutors as a way of tackling early leaving and supporting young people in their transition to and retention in VET. This MOOC aims to contribute to this end delivering topics related to Career Guidance and Counselling in VET education, as follows: core concepts, models and function; new approaches; orientation and tutorial strategies; good practices across Europe; and the future of career guidance and counselling in VET education. This MOOC represents a dynamic and accessible tool for VET counsellors, administrators, and tutors, and it is useful for guidance professionals providing access to proven and innovative methods to enhances the educational experience and success of VET students.

Created by: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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