Go Programming Language

About this Specialization

Our Golang specialization is suitable for individuals who are new to the field, as well as aspiring software developers, engineers, networking professionals, DevOps Engineers and computer science students who are seeking to enhance their abilities in Designing softwares, Programming Proficiency, Concurrency and Parallelism, Cloud-Native Development, Networking and Systems Programming, DevOps Practices through our carefully curated 4 courses.\\n\\nYou will be able to design applications using Golang, work with multithreading, analyze threads, Implement goroutines and channels, design cloud native apps, analyse Reflection and Metaprogramming, Work with GIN framework, Implement design patterns, and perform various Problem-Solving Abilities using Golang. This specialization will provide you with the comprehensive skill set necessary for developing web based Golang applications. Elevate your knowledge with our specialized Golang program, a transformative learning experience designed to provide you with the necessary skills for efficient web development.

Created by: Edureka

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