Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Foundations of originator and biosimilar biologics: for patients and caregivers

Foundations of originator and biosimilar biologics: for patients and caregivers

About this Course

- This course aims to provide knowledge and skills for patients on the topic of biosimilars, a class of biologic drugs or medical therapies that are highly similar to an existing originator medication that is off patent. - Biosimilars represent a rapidly growing area in pharmaceutical development, treatment options, and patient care that require an evidence-informed implementation approach. - As awareness and use of biosimilars increases globally, this course will provide information and guidance to support patient understanding of the effective and safe use of biosimilars in clinical settings. - The course will focus on enhancing knowledge and skills for patients and caregivers related to biosimilars. - The course will utilize a modular approach to provide content that is accessible and informative to all learners, and provide an introduction to biosimilar medications including what they are, regulatory processes, access, and discussing biosimilars with your healthcare provider.

Created by: University of Toronto

Level: Intermediate

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