Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Fintech: Blockhain for Business and Finance

Fintech: Blockhain for Business and Finance

About this Course

This is the second in a series of courses on financial technology, also called Fintech. The course provides a business-oriented overview of blockchain technology, distributed ledgers, and cryptocurrencies. The course is structured into four main modules. In the first one, we will learn about cryptography. Having a basic understanding of hashing functions, encryption and decryption is essential to understand blockchain technology. In the second module, we will dive deep into the technology of distributed ledgers, from creating transactions, to building blocks, and validating transactions. In the third module, we will look at the business applications of blockchain technology, with a focus on financial services and cryptocurrencies. We will talk about cryptocurrencies, digital wallets and exchanges, and enterprise applications of blockchain. We will also read and discuss the latest reports on blockchain and HBS cases on Deutsche Bank and R3 Corda. We will conclude the course by interviewing Prof. Tej Anand, an award-winning business-technology strategist, advisor, innovator, educator and practitioner who teaches blockchain technology courses in the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. After you complete this course, you will be able to understand what blockchain and cryptocurrencies are, and the enterprise applications of blockchain technology. Financial professionals are often required or encouraged to continue their education to practice their profession. For some associations, this program may be used for Continuing Education Credits. Please check with your local or national organization if the program qualifies.

Created by: The University of Texas at Austin

Level: Intermediate

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