Electric Cars: Policy

About this Course

Electric cars are more than a novel means of mobility. They have been recognized as an essential building block of the energy transition. Fulfilling their promise will imply a significant change in the technical, digital and social dimensions of transport and energy infrastructure. As the massive adoption of electric mobility will deeply change our society and our individual routines, government intervention is called for. If you are interested in learning about the roles of government in shaping the transition towards electric mobility and renewable energy systems, then this is the course for you. In this course, you will explore the promise of electric mobility from different public policy perspectives and different levels of government, and learn how they interact. After completing this course, you will be able to assess a policy plan to support the introduction of electric cars and make a motivated choice between alternative policy instruments. In the final week, the course will be concluded by connecting the different track perspectives. The course includes video lectures, presentations and exercises, which are all illustrated with real-world case studies from projects that were implemented in the Netherlands. This includes the Formula-E Team, Netherlands Enterprise Agency(RVO) and Car as a power plant project. This course was co-developed with the Dutch Innovation Centre for Electric Road Transport (Dutch-INCERT) and is taught by experts from both industry and academia, who share their knowledge and insights.

Created by: Delft University of Technology

Level: Intermediate

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