Electric and Conventional Vehicles
About this Course
Electric powertrains are estimated to propel a large part of road vehicles in the future, due to their high efficiency and zero tailpipe emissions. But, the cost and weight of batteries and the time to charge them are arguments for the conventional powertrain in many vehicles. This makes it important for engineers working with vehicles to understand how both these powertrains work, and how to determine their performance and energy consumption for different type of vehicles and different ways of driving vehicles. This course is aimed at learners with a bachelor's degree or engineers in the automotive industry who need to develop their knowledge about electric powertrains. In this course, you will learn how electric and conventional combustion engine powertrains are built and how they work. You will learn methods to calculate their performance and energy consumption and how to simulate them in different driving cycles. You will also learn about the basic function, the main limits and the losses of: Combustion engines, Transmissions Electric machines, Power electronics Batteries. This knowledge will also be a base for understanding and analysing different types of hybrid vehicles, discussed in the course, Hybrid Vehicles. As a result of support from MathWorks, students will be granted access to MATLAB/Simulink for the duration of the course.Created by: Chalmers University of Technology
Level: Advanced
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