Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Economics and Policies in a Biobased Economy

Economics and Policies in a Biobased Economy

About this Course

“In order to produce food in a sustainable way for an additional 2 billion people by 2050, a business-as-usual approach will not be sufficient. This is especially true in the face of climate change and other forces threatening natural resources like biodiversity, land and water that are essential for food production and agriculture, including forestry and fisheries. To meet these challenges, science and the application of biotechnologies as well as conventional technologies will play a key role.” FAO Are you responsible for dealing with the economics and policies governing the transition- and implementation of biobased products and resources? Join the MOOC Economics and Policies in a Biobased Economy and discover the whole value chain from Research & Development, over application, processing, retailing and final demand. Learn how the value chain and the rents and their distribution along the chain are affected by policies. Examples such as the benefits and costs of developing, cultivating, and marketing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) will be discussed extensively. Upgrade your knowledge about the recent trends in the circular economy and in sustainable business. Know how to measure adoption and environmental benefits, learn about the benefits and costs and the distribution of sustainable products, market power, approval processes, supply chain, guiding policies and the current social debate. Join the MicroMasters Program! This course is part of the MicroMasters Program Economics and Policies for a Circular Bio-Economy A series of 3 courses and a final capstone project designed to help you cover the economic and policy side of converting biological resources into biobased products. You will be able to contribute to managerial decision-making, as well as policy development. Explore the other courses in this MicroMasters Program: Circular Economy: An Interdisciplinary Approach From Fossil Resources to Biomass: a Chemistry Perspective Capstone Economics and Policies for a Circular Bio-Economy You might also like the MicroMasters Program Business and Operations for a Circular Bio-Economy.

Created by: Wageningen University & Research

Level: Advanced

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