Drinking Water Treatment

About this Course

This course focuses on conventional technologies for drinking water treatment. Unit processes, involved in the treatment chain, are discussed as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes involved. The emphasis is on the effect of treatment on water quality and the dimensions of the unit processes in the treatment chain. After the course one should be able to recognise the process units, describe their function, and make basic calculations for a preliminary design of a drinking water treatment plant. The course consists of 4 modules: Introduction to drinking water treatment. In this module you learn to describe the important disciplines, schemes and evaluation criteria involved in the design phase. Water quality. In this module you learn to identify the drinking water quality parameters to be improved and explain what treatment train or scheme is needed. Groundwater treatment. In this module you learn to calculate the dimensions of the groundwater treatment processes and draw groundwater treatment schemes. Surface water treatment. In this module you learn to calculate the dimensions of the surface water treatment processes and draw surface water treatment schemes. This course in combination with the courses "Introduction to Water and Climate" and "Introduction to the Treatment of Urban Sewage" forms the Water XSeries, by DelftX.

Created by: Delft University of Technology

Level: Intermediate

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