Digital Design

About this Course

Digital Design is about designing in digital space so the created content can be displayed and seen on a digital device. With the availability of high computing power, designers can quickly create designs in digital space before actual deployment. In this online course, you will learn the fundamental concepts of a wide variety of digital design technology and you will have the opportunity to create your own digital designs and animate them as well. The course focuses on creating 3D objects using a computer-aided design package, creating real-life physical simulations, and then combining the two techniques to create rendered animations. It will also introduce virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications. This course allows you to get hands-on experience with different design tools so that the various outputs can be combined in a systematic way. So get started to experience this excitement of creating your own designs now whether it be for continuing education or as a hobby.

Created by: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Level: Introductory

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