Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Designing and Leading Learning Systems

Designing and Leading Learning Systems

About this Course

Pursuing goals for ambitious teaching and learning requires that students, teachers, and educational leaders learn to work together in new ways. This course engages learners in exploring four leading logics of educational innovation: strategies and approaches to producing and using knowledge to improve educational practice and outcomes at scale, across many classrooms, schools, and systems. These logics include: Shell enterprises Diffusion enterprises Incubation enterprises Evolutionary enterprises Each of these logics has been used successfully in different types of classrooms, schools, and systems, though each also features traps and pitfalls that complicate universal usage. To understand both their potential and their pitfalls, learners will apply these logics in analyzing exemplary cases of large-scale, practice-focused educational innovation in the US and abroad. With deeper understandings of these logics, learners will be able to be strategic in designing and managing local innovation. They will also be able to identify external programs and projects that can serve as effective partners in innovation and improvement. This course is part of the Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement MicroMasters Program offered by MichiganX.

Created by: The University of Michigan

Level: Advanced

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