Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Comfort through Financial Planning

Comfort through Financial Planning

About this Course

We are aware that early planning of finances helps a person to know the essential features of saving for having a better future. It is a step-by-step approach to set financial goals and road map to achieve the same in life. The contents of this course will help a person to improve the avenues of income, rationalisation of expenses and manage investments to achieve financial goals. Savings is generally understood to be created after netting off all the expenses from the income. But it is the other way around. Ideally, income minus savings should be equal to expenses. By this way, the expenditure will be controlled and futile spending of money on unnecessary things may be curtailed. The change in approach will necessarily lead to increased savings. Warren Buffet’s quote on spending (as given below) talks about seriousness in making genuine expenses. "If you buy things, you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need" Once the surplus is identified from the income, it will instigate an individual to explore investment avenues. While making an investment, a person would think of various aspects viz., 1. Safety of funds 2. Return on investment 3. Liquidity 4. Contingency requirement 5. Impact of inflation etc. When it comes to investment and placing of funds in various investment opportunities, one should consider lifetime financial goals to be achieved. The learner would be enabled to understand setting of financial goals – short, medium, and long - and various elements of financial planning. The entire course will be useful to the learner and an eyeopener to start financial planning and using their available financial resources in the best possible manner so that they achieve their goals. A Good financial planning is help for quality and sound decision making on the financial matters, with a future perspective.

Created by: State Bank of India

Level: Introductory

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