Climate Change Education

About this Course

This course explores the basic science behind climate change and presents the tools to teach it in a positive, engaging and participatory way. The course also introduces some of the ethical and social issues around climate change. This course makes use of videos, lesson plans and online games developed by the IDB's "Rise-Up: Education Against Climate Change" initiative. The aim is to assist you in the launch of climate change education and actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change in your school community. This is a hands-on course, with examples coming directly from Latin America and the Caribbean. 61% of the students who have taken the course affirm that they have improved their ability to formulate, implement and / or evaluate public policies. 52% of the students have said that the course has served them to improve services to citizens as public officials. This course is "self-paced" so you can enroll at any time, even if the course has been open for a while. You can take it at the time that is most suitable for you inside the enrolment period of the course. If you opt for the Audit track, you could complete the course free and have 10 weeks to take the course from the day you subscribed. If you opt for the Verified track , you can access the course in an unlimited way and complete the qualified evaluations until the closing date, after making a payment of $25 . If you pass, in addition to the verified certificate, you will obtain a digital badge *that allows you to change the way you share your academic and professional achievements, as for example, on social media. Did you know there is a financial aid to opt for the verified certificate? * ** EdX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to pay the Verified Certificate fee. Subscribe to the course and apply for financial assistance.

Created by: Inter-American Development Bank

Level: Introductory

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