Rutgers Classifieds>Rutgers Online Courses>Business Leadership Capstone Assessment

Business Leadership Capstone Assessment

About this Course

Do not enrol in this course unless you are eligible to do so, having completed and earnt a verified certificate in all four other courses in this MicroMasters series. Ineligible learners will be automatically withdrawn from the Capstone Assessment. The Capstone is the last step to complete the Business Innovation MicroMasters credential and is designed to test the knowledge gained in the four courses. This Capstone will consist offour tasks comprising: A 360-degree leadership capability review A proctored exam A leadership interview A written assessment Successful completion of the Capstone assessments means that you are eligible for credit into the on-campus Masters of Business (MBus) degree at The University of Queensland.Credential holders who meet program entry requirements will receive one semester equivalent credit (8 units), reducing study time by 6 months (12-18 months of full-time study remaining to MBus degree completion, 16-24 units remaining). To enrol in the Capstone, learners must have completed a Verified Certificate in these four courses: BUSLEAD1x Becoming an Effective Leader BUSLEAD2x Leading the Organization BUSLEAD3x Leading High-Performing Teams BUSLEAD4x Leading in a Complex Environment On successful completion of the four courses and the Capstone you will be awarded the MicroMasters credential.

Created by: The University of Queensland

Level: Intermediate

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