It’s possible you may be taken by surprise if you learn that your student is struggling or in trouble – especially academically. You didn’t see this coming and wonder how you missed it.
On the other hand, you may clearly see that your student is in difficulty but wonder how your student is missing it – or at least not talking about it.
Of course, there are other times when no one sees it coming and everyone is taken by surprise. Trouble may have been brewing for a while, but it seems to have come out of nowhere.
My student won’t talk about it – or even admit there’s trouble.
This can be especially frustrating. It’s obvious that your student needs help and you’re willing to support them in finding it. But your student seems to be shutting you out. What’s going on?
“I’m embarrassed and ashamed because I’m failing some of my classes. I’m supposed to be able to do this work and my parents – and the rest of my family and friends – expect me to do well. My parents are paying a lot of money and now it’s wasted. The college must have made a mistake in admitting me. If I don’t tell anyone about this maybe they won’t find out.”