NYU Classifieds>NYU Tutors>Elena G. - GRE Tutor

Elena G. - GRE Tutor

NYU European History Tutor
NYU Elena G. Tutors New York University Students in New York, NY
Hourly Fee: $100
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Travel Radius: 100 miles
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

Hi, my name is Elena. I got my BA in Philosophy from Princeton University and am currently a philosophy graduate student (ABD) at the University of Pittsburgh (ranked 5th best in the world for philosophy by QS in 2022). I've always enjoyed tutoring and have sought out opportunities for doing that throughout high school and university, helping students of all ages with ESL. In graduate school I started teaching in a more serious way. I have been a TA for five years, teaching recitation sections, ...

Elena G. Subjects

GRE - Proofreading - SAT Reading - SAT Writing - French - Writing - European History - Reading - Social Studies - Russian - Logic - German - Sociology