NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Volcanology field science and society

Volcanology field science and society

About this Course

This is course 1 of 2 for the Field Volcanology and Hazards Certificate. In this introductory course, you will learn the science of how volcanoes work and the skills of a field volcanologist. We will use animation experiments and interviews to explore cultural perspectives of volcanoes, volcano types, field trip planning, hazard mapping and communication using examples in Aotearoa New Zealand and drawing on Mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge). You will also get to explore rocks and landscapes while navigating around 360° videos and 3D landscapes and rock samples. You will gauge your learning all along the way, building knowledge and skills, and thinking about why volcanoes matter to you.

Created by: University of Canterbury

Level: Introductory

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