NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>The Physics of Emergence: Introduction to Condensed Matter

The Physics of Emergence: Introduction to Condensed Matter

About this Specialization

We know the fundamental equations governing the motion of every atom in our brain and every electron in our computers - the motion of each and every atomic and subatomic particle on planet Earth can, in principle, be calculated from well understood physical laws. And yet, the natural world (and the behavior of humans and computers alike) continues to surprise us. This is because when large numbers of objects interact together, they can exhibit qualitatively new emergent phenomena, which are not obviously contained in the equations governing the motion of a single atom or electron. Condensed matter physics is the study of such emergent phenomena.\\n\\nCondensed matter physics is the largest subdiscipline of modern physics. It has generated a wealth of deep concepts that govern our fundamental understanding of the modern world, and which also underpin much of our modern technological society. This specialization provides an introduction to the key concepts underpinning modern condensed matter. These concepts apply widely, and enable a powerful and widely applicable understanding of emergent phenomena in complex systems.\\n\\nThis specialization is aimed at individuals who are curious about what condensed matter physics is all about, and at individuals seeking ways of understanding the complex emergent phenomena using simple but powerful conceptual tools. Extensive prior knowledge of physics is not required.

Created by: University of Colorado Boulder

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