NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>So You Want To Be A Surgeon?

So You Want To Be A Surgeon?

About this Course

The World Health Organization (WHO) projected urgent need of physicians and surgeons in the next decade and the Lancet Commissions 2015 report indicated the need for surgical services will continue to rise substantially from now until 2030, in particular in the low-income and middle-income regions. In light of the challenges of new diseases and increase in the aging population, medical and surgical care are ever more essential. The future needs more surgeons! What do surgeons do? What conditions require surgical care? In this 6-week course, you will be guided through 15 surgical specialties by a team of 40+ clinical experts. You will have a chairside view of the day-to-day work life of a surgeon and learn about diagnosis, treatment planning and surgical care and see surgeons work in a multidisciplinary team to offer the best treatment for the patients. Surgery is considered both an art and a science. Surgeons not only demonstrate specialist knowledge, techniques, talents and skills in their practice, at the same time, they make use of science and innovation, engaging in tremendous problem-solving and calculated decision-making in patient care. Whether you aspire to become a surgeon, a physician, a nurse, or you wish to find out more about surgery, this MOOC will be a great roadmap for you. 世界衛生組織(WHO)和《柳葉刀》委員會2015年的報告指出,未來十年對外科服務的需求將繼續大幅增長。鑑於新疾病和人口老齡化,外科變得尤為重要。未來將需要更多的外科醫生! 外科醫生的工作是怎樣的?什麼情況需要手術治療?在這個為期6週的課程中,由40多名臨床專家組成的團隊將指導你學習15種外科專業。你將安坐家中了解外科醫生的日常,學習診斷和外科治療的知識。 外科是藝術,也是科學。外科醫生不僅在實踐中運用專業知識和技術,還利用科學創新,在照顧患者的過程中展現強大的解難和決策能力。 無論你是想成為一名外科專業人才,還是想了解更多有關手術的信息,這門MOOC都是你的理想之選。 世界卫生组织(WHO)和《柳叶刀》委员会2015年的报告指出,未来十年对外科服务的需求将继续大幅增长。鉴于新疾病和人口老龄化,外科变得尤为重要。未来将需要更多的外科医生! 外科医生的工作是怎样的?什么情况需要手术治疗?在这个为期6周的课程中,由40多名临床专家组成的团队将指导你学习15种外科专业。你将安坐家中了解外科医生的日常,学习诊断和外科治疗的知识。 外科是艺术,也是科学。外科医生不仅在实践中运用专业知识和技术,还利用科学创新,在照顾患者的过程中展现强大的解难和决策能力。 无论你是想成为一名外科专业人才,还是想了解更多有关手术的信息,这门MOOC都是你的理想之选。

Created by: University of Hong Kong

Level: Introductory

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