Setup Python

About this Course

In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to: - Describe the purpose of virtual environments in Python development - Explain how to create and activate a virtual environment using the venv module - Install packages and dependencies into a virtual environment using pip and requirements.txt. Completing this project on setting up Python environments will provide learners with essential skills for professional Python development. Learning to properly manage dependencies is crucial for any programmer. This project stands out by using current best practices for Python packaging, avoiding deprecated approaches. Learners will benefit from gaining hands-on experience with critical tools like virtual environments, pip, and pyproject.toml. Following the opinionated recommendations in this project will equip learners with a streamlined workflow for configuring reproducible and isolated Python environments. The project uniquely focuses on real-world developer needs, not just toy examples. Learners will complete the project knowing how to dependency manage projects of any size for both dev and production. These professional techniques will enable learners to use Python for building robust applications across many domains.

Created by: Duke University

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