NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>PM4R Agile: Agile mindset in development projects

PM4R Agile: Agile mindset in development projects

About this Course

The changing and dynamic reality of development and social impact projects demands new, more flexible project management approaches that allow for adapting to changes or unforeseen events that may arise during project execution and, in addition, to achieve development in a sustainable, inclusive and respectful manner, applying the highest standards of integrity, transparency and accountability. For this reason, AcademiaBID, the IDB's learning platform, has developed the PM4R Agile methodology. With this hybrid methodology you will be able to progress more efficiently in the projects you are participating in, while increasing transparency, continuously engaging stakeholders and motivating the team. In this course you will learn the basic concepts of agile that promote the development of the agile mindset and why it is important for managing development and social impact projects. In addition, you will learn the roles that make up an agile team and what their responsibilities are during project execution. During these weeks, we will support you with practical activities to internalize the agile principles of PM4R Agile and the expected behaviors of each of these principles. Through a self-diagnosis, you will be able to analyze the degree of agility you have at the beginning, both at the individual level and at the level of your organization. In this way, you will be able to reinforce your knowledge and practice of the agile mindset principles before applying the 5 steps of the PM4R Agile methodology. Start today to apply agility in your project with a methodology adapted to your needs. We are waiting for you in the course. It is a MOOC that you can take at your own pace, and you can register at any time. If you choose the Assistant mode you can complete it for free in 10 weeks from the moment you register. If you opt for the Verified Certificate modality you can access the course in an unlimited way and you can complete the graded assessments until the closing date, 27, 2023, after making a payment of USD 19. In this way, if you pass, in addition to the verified certificate, you will get a digital badge that allows you to transform the way you share your academic and professional achievements, for example, in your social networks. Do you know about edX financial aid for the verified certificate and digital badge? EdX offers financial assistance to students who are having difficulty making payment. Register for the course and fill out this financial assistance application. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is aimed at people working in development and social impact projects, in particular: Civil servants at national and sub-national levels. Staff of NGOs, public-private partnerships, foundations or consultancies. Private sector personnel working in the area of responsibility of companies with social impact projects. Teaching and research staff, as well as students in the area of social sciences. This MOOC is the first step to increase your knowledge of the methodology and become professionally certified with Project Management For Results (PM4R). Find out what's next at this link: https://view.genial.ly/61f1a61e47782c00114312d6

Created by: Inter-American Development Bank

Level: Intermediate

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