NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming

About this Specialization

In this 5-course specialisation, you will develop various C++ programming skills. Rather than building many small programs as you will in other courses, we have taken a different approach: you will create a single, extensive program through the five courses. The program will be a simplified cryptocurrency exchange platform. We will cover the following learning objectives:\\n\\nUse control flow to build interactive, multi-branched, iterated programs\\n\\nSelect appropriate data types to model the trading platform\'s information\\n\\nConvert algorithms from pseudo-code to C++ and test them\\n\\nUse classes to combine data and functions and to model interactions between different parts of a program\\n\\nUnderstand how to construct an extensive program from multiple modules\\n\\nThe content for this specialisation is taken from the University of London\'s online BSc Computer Science degree. If you complete the courses and eventually take the course \'Object Oriented Programming\' in the degree, you progress should be carried across.

Created by: University of London

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