NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Introduction: Emerging Technologies in an Enterprise Environment

Introduction: Emerging Technologies in an Enterprise Environment

About this Course

Professionals operating at the intersection of IT and business face unique challenges, amplified by data proliferation and ever-evolving technology. To add business value and remain competitive, it is crucial to understand how to successfully leverage emerging technologies within a broader enterprise context. Designed for leaders responsible for making technology-related business decisions, this course provides an overview of business architecture and applications, considering internal business aspects such as value streams and business goals, as well as external factors including markets, customers, and competitors. Through real-world case studies and application exercises, uncover best practices for business application development, building a technology architecture and implementing new technologies. Discussions will focus on cutting-edge technologies such as big data, cloud computing, Quantum, Edge computing, IOT and 5G, AI and machine learning, and how they can be strategically implemented within specific enterprise environments. This is the first of three courses that make up the edX Professional Certificate AI and Cloud Computing: Implementation Strategies for Business.

Created by: University of British Columbia

Level: Introductory

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