Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS
About this Course
Proficient technologists working on the Industrial IoT vertical use lots of technologies and methods to control, manage and get information from the IoT devices. So, there are assembly lines and industrial aspects that needs to take into consideration when talking about IoT when used in an industrial scale. The story we are going to tell is about an individual who is new to that industry and got hired by a company who is planning to adopt to Industry 4.0 standards in next 3 years, the company is already familiar with some AWS services and already uses it for some other projects, such as their website and other workloads, so it makes sense for them to explore IIoT capabilities on AWS as well. The company got into a multi-year partnership with AWS to help them transform and innovate, the company is also hiring lots of people with IoT and Cloud background, preferably with industrial exposure. As today, the company hired Engineers and Architects, but they have limited industrial experience. The company plans to up-skill their existing workforce of industrial engineers with Cloud knowledge to expand their resource pool over time, and due to this workforce, there is a clear knowledge gap on how to build an edge to cloud continuum from factories to cloud today.Created by: Amazon Web Services
Level: Introductory
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