NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Healthcare Marketplace

Healthcare Marketplace

About this Specialization

The first course, Healthcare Marketplace Overview, covers all of the major sub-sectors of the healthcare industry including the physician, hospital, insurer and medical technology markets, including a historical perspective. The second course, Healthcare Delivery Providers, takes an in-depth look at the system of healthcare delivery and the transformations occurring to improve the health of populations and communities. The third course,Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations, gives the learner an in-depth view of the intellectual property creation that is vital to creating breakthrough technologies. The fourth course, Medical Technology and Evaluation, explains how cost-effectiveness analysis is used in the healthcare market to put a monetary value on a life saved through a new innovation.\\n\\nThe Capstone brings together key skills engendered from the four courses to create an original medical innovation valuation. The first course teaches the learner to size a population or market. The second course explores whether the healthcare delivery system and the clinicians will or will not find value from deploying a new innovation. The third course identifies the competitive landscape of medical technology innovations to compete or complement. The fourth course teaches how to put a monetary value on the improvement in health resulting from a new innovation. In this way, the suite of four courses supports the capstone experience.

Created by: University of Minnesota

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