NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Geoscience: the Earth and its Resources

Geoscience: the Earth and its Resources

About this Course

Are you fascinated by Geosciences and willing to take the challenge of predicting the nature and behavior of the Earth subsurface? This is your course! In a voyage through the Earth, you will explore the Earth interior and master the processes forming mountains and sedimentary basins. You will understand how the sediments are formed, transported, deposited and deformed. You will acquire basic knowledge on the two mostimportant sources of subsurface energy: hydrocarbons and geothermal! Key knowledge in times of global change and energy transition! The course focuses on fundamental processes, exploring their nature and quantitative interactions. It will show you how to use the acquired knowledge to predict the nature and behavior of the Earth subsurface. This is your ideal first step as a future Geoscientists or professional to upgrade your knowledge in the domain of Earth Sciences. Skilled professionals are key for the safe and responsible use of the Earth subsurface.

Created by: Delft University of Technology

Level: Introductory

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