Discovering Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
About this Course
Driven by global crises in financial, economic, and governance systems, companies all over the world devote massive resources to their corporate social responsibility (CSR). But what is CSR? What does it mean, and what does it involve? Do stakeholders really care, and if they do, how to implement a credible CSR strategy? In uncertain modern climates, CSR is a crucial driving force of a (r)evolution in business. If you are interested in the relationship between business and society, this MOOC is for you! It is especially relevant for industry, public policy, and academic professionals working on CSR, as well as students following a traditional business curriculum who are interested in key value questions. This MOOC therefore addresses CSR in two ways: As a reflection of corporate self-awareness; As a source of innovation and a means to deal with heightened competitiveness, demands for sustainable development, and shifts in international governance. By presenting insights from CSR experts from both academia and practice, this MOOC provides a way for managers, consumers, and citizens to acquire in-depth insights and critical perspectives on companies’ CSR activities. The multi-industry case study structure of this MOOC enables participants to confront the challenges facing today’s managers as they seek to develop their CSR strategy. Dedicated discussion forums are available for participants to interact together. To help participants manage CSR with various internal and external stakeholders, this MOOC seeks to support current and future business leaders in their efforts to make responsible leadership, sustainable production, and consumption central to their corporate vision.Created by: Université catholique de Louvain
Level: Intermediate
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