NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Designing Information System Security Architectures

Designing Information System Security Architectures

About this Specialization

This specialization is intended for Cybersecurity and Application Security Specialists, IT Security Managers, System Administrators, Software Developers, and Penetration Testers.\\n\\nThis specialization consists of three courses:\\n\\nIn the first course, The Fundamentals of Information System Security Architecture, you will be introduced to the principles of information system security architecture, focusing on key concepts, existing frameworks, and risk assessment methodologies. Modules include: The Principles of Information System Security; Existing Information Security Architecture Frameworks; and Risk Assessment Methodologies and Security.\\n\\nIn the second course, Designing Robust Information System Security Architectures, you go deeper into the design process, focusing on creating secure information system architectures. Modules include: Designing Secure-by-Design Information System Architectures; Aligning Security Design with Business Needs; and Integrating Security into Software Development Life Cycles.\\n\\nIn course 3, Managing Information System Security Architecture, you will concentrate on the practical aspects of implementing security architecture into IT environments, explore secure configuration and IAM, and learn advanced techniques for implementing and monitoring security controls. Topics include: The Multi-Dimensional Role of Security Architecture; Implementing Secure Information System Architectures; and Security Architecture Continuous Improvement and Monitoring.

Created by: LearnQuest

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