NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Customer-Centric Enterprise: Scale Product Lifecycle Management

Customer-Centric Enterprise: Scale Product Lifecycle Management

About this Course

This course provides a flexible and customizable playbook to build out a Product Enterprise and evolve an organization’s Business Model. It explores the build out of a robust thought framework, creation and alignment of multiple building blocks to evolve a fully operational model of a scaled product enterprise. Specifically, it explores the following key concepts: ● Understanding a Product Enterprise and how it works ● Achieving strategic and operational enterprise alignment using the OKR framework across the product portfolio ● Building & implementing a product platform strategy ● Organizational Governance and Risk framework in a Product Enterprise ● Aligning organizational functions (like Marketing, Sales, Finance, HR) transform to a product-first approach ● Maximizing organizational value creation through a scaled product framework

Created by: The University of Maryland, College Park,University System of Maryland

Level: Intermediate

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