NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Create User Stories in Jira

Create User Stories in Jira

About this Course

By the end of this project, you will be able to use Jira Software for project management to plan and manage your work. Jira is one of the most in demand project management tools and learning Jira will help you understand how to plan and manage your work, especially in the software field. This project is for beginners who aim to track, organize, and prioritize bugs, new features, and improvements for certain software releases or projects. In this project you will be able to create well-defined user stories in Jira, you will also create and use Sprints and Epics. You will identify the differences between them and be able to apply what you learned on any piece of work you are working on. This project will provide you with a good start in project management in the software field.

Created by: Coursera Project Network

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