Computing for Data Analysis
About this Course
The modern data analysis pipeline involves collection, preprocessing, storage, analysis, and interactive visualization of data. The goal of this course, part of the Analytics: Essential Tools and Methods MicroMasters program, is for you to learn how to build these components and connect them using modern tools and techniques. In the course, you’ll see how computing and mathematics come together. For instance, “under the hood” of modern data analysis lies numerical linear algebra, numerical optimization, and elementary data processing algorithms and data structures. Together, they form the foundations of numerical and data-intensive computing. The hands-on component of this course will develop your proficiency with modern analytical tools. You will learn how to mash up Python, R, and SQL through Jupyter notebooks, among other tools. Furthermore, you will apply these tools to a variety of real-world datasets, thereby strengthening your ability to translate principles into practice.Created by: The Georgia Institute of Technology
Level: Advanced
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