Complete Git

About this Specialization

Git is a widely used version control system that allows developers to track changes in their code, collaborate seamlessly, and maintain a complete history of their project\'s evolution. Mastering Git is crucial for any software development professional, as it is an integral part of modern DevOps practices and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.\\n\\nThis specialization is intended for individuals seeking to develop proficiency in Git and version control techniques.\\n\\nThis is a 3-course series. Through three courses, you will cover topics such as Git fundamentals, branching and merging strategies, collaboration workflows, advanced Git commands, and repository management, which will prepare you to handle version control challenges effectively in diverse development environments.\\n\\nThe course is designed from scratch, making it ideal for any individual who is new to version control systems. This course includes hands-on demos, practical exercises, quizzes, and high-quality theory content videos prepared by industry experts.\\n\\nThis course is all you need to gain a deeper understanding of Git and excel in managing version control for your software projects.

Created by: LearnKartS

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