NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Co-design for All: doing co-design in practice

Co-design for All: doing co-design in practice

About this Course

The Co-design for All course is a free online programme on how to put together a case study proposal using a co-design approach. It is aimed at anyone who is interested in learning about co-design methods and how to apply them in any real life scenario. By the end of the course, you will have learned how to put together a case study proposal using co-design. This will be achieved by learning how to adapt and apply these methods to your chosen real life scenario and by producing materials contextualized to it. This course is a direct outcome from the EU funded TRIPS project (grant number 875588) and builds on the experiences of creating case studies for accessible public transport. The main aim of the TRIPS project is to design, describe and demonstrate practical steps to empower people with mobility challenges to play a central role in the design of inclusive digital mobility solutions. More information on the project can be found here

Created by: Eindhoven University of Technology

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