NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Build Website with HTML, JavaScript, AngularJS, and React

Build Website with HTML, JavaScript, AngularJS, and React

About this Specialization

Dive deep into the world of modern web development with this comprehensive specialization. Comprising three distinct courses, this curriculum empowers learners to create cutting-edge, dynamic websites by combining essential front-end technologies:\\n\\n1. Building Webpages with HTML and CSS:\\n\\nIntroduction to the backbone of web development: HTML and CSS. Constructing web pages from scratch, diving into HTML elements like headlines, paragraphs, lists, and links. Advanced styling techniques using CSS properties and selectors. Embrace responsive design with Bootstrap, ensuring your websites look impeccable on all devices.\\n\\n2. JavaScript for Web Development:\\n\\nStart with the foundation: learn basic JavaScript concepts like data types, variables, and functions. Elevate your websites\' interactivity by mastering the Document Object Model (DOM) and JavaScript event handling. Dive deeper with advanced JavaScript techniques and explore the power of jQuery for streamlined DOM manipulation.\\n\\n3. Frontend Libraries and Frameworks:\\n\\nDive into powerful frontend libraries and frameworks. Discover React\'s potential for building reusable UI components. Unlock AngularJS\'s capabilities for dynamic single-page applications. Integrate jQuery for simpler, more elegant JavaScript solutions.\\n\\nEmbark on this transformative journey and redefine your skills as a front-end developer. Construct dynamic, interactive websites with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, and React.

Created by: Board Infinity

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