NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Build a Hometown Homepage with HTML and CSS

Build a Hometown Homepage with HTML and CSS

About this Course

The Scrimba Hometown Homepage solo project is your chance to dive into front-end development using HTML and CSS. In this project, you will create a personal homepage that showcases your hometown or favorite place. Your goal is to design a visually engaging and informative web page that highlights the unique features of your chosen location. As you work on this project, you will focus on three main learning objectives: 1. Mastering Layout and Design: You\'ll gain hands-on experience in crafting a cohesive layout using CSS. You\'ll use tools like Flexbox or Grid to ensure your webpage is responsive and visually appealing across different devices. 2. Organizing and Structuring Content: You will enhance your skills in structuring content with HTML, organizing information using semantic elements such as headings, paragraphs, and lists. This will help you create a well-structured and accessible webpage. 3. Styling for Aesthetics: You\'ll apply CSS to style your webpage, customizing fonts, colors, and backgrounds to create an engaging user experience. This will enable you to reflect the unique character of the place you are showcasing. By completing this project, you\'ll have a personalized webpage that highlights your technical skills and creativity, providing a strong foundation for future web development endeavors.

Created by: Scrimba

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