NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Automation for Everyone: Tech Benefits Unleashed

Automation for Everyone: Tech Benefits Unleashed

About this Course

In today\'s technology-driven world, automation is a valuable skill for everyone. This course, \"Automation for Everyone,\" allows you to harness the power of automation. From automating home tasks to implementing business solutions that save millions of dollars, we will explore practical applications through concise video lectures and real, linkable readings. Office Professionals, Consultants, Students, Small Business Owners, Automation Enthusiasts To fully benefit from the \"Automation for Everyone\" course, learners should have basic computer skills, familiarity with software, an interest in automation, no prior coding knowledge, and access to a computer or device for practice. By the end of this course, you will not only grasp automation\'s foundational concepts but also have the skills to streamline your personal and professional life; whether it\'s automating your smart home devices, optimizing your digital workspace, or creating custom solutions. Moreover, you\'ll have the knowledge and confidence to explore automation opportunities within your workplace, making you an asset in the era of digital transformation.

Created by: Coursera Instructor Network

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