Automated Software Testing: Unit Testing, Coverage Criteria and Design for Testability
About this Course
Software testinggets a bad rap for being difficult, time-consuming, redundant, and above all - boring. But in fact, it is a proven way to ensure that your software will work flawlessly andcan meet release schedules. In a two-course series, we will teach you automated software testing in an inspiring way. We will show you that testing is not as daunting a task as you might think, and how automated testing will make you a better developer who programs excellent software. This first course will teach you specification-based testing, boundary testing, test adequacy and code coverage, unit vs system testing, mock objects, design for testability, and test code quality. This is a highly practical course. Throughout the lessons, you will test various programs by means of different techniques. By the end, you will be able to choose the best testing strategies for different projects. If you are or want to become a five-star software developer, QA engineer, or software tester, join this course. Testing will never be the same again!Created by: Delft University of Technology
Level: Intermediate
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