NYU Classifieds>NYU Online Courses>Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing

About this Course

This course, Additive Manufacturing, is the third course in the Coursera Specialization, Digital Technologies and the Future of Manufacturing. In this course, learners will be introduced to the concept of Additive Manufacturing, learn how it is applied in manufacturing, and what businesses should consider as they decide to implement this technology. Considerations include the economics of the technology, information technology infrastructure, manufacturing ecosystem partners, the business value of implementing Additive Manufacturing, and what needs to happen across the organization to ensure successful implementation. Learners will hear from industry experts as they share their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges of implementing Additive Manufacturing, how Additive Manufacturing is being implemented in their companies, and insights on the future of this technology within their industry and across manufacturing. The content presented in this course draws on a number of real-life interviews and case studies, and was created through a partnership with Siemens.

Created by: University of Michigan

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