Working as a Game Writer

About this Course

What is it like to work as a video game writer? How do you even apply for game writing jobs? Is it true that you might have to take a writing test? This capstone course puts everything you’ve learned in the previous courses together. Each assignment has helped you produce writing samples that are suitable for a portfolio. Now we’ll show what to do with it. We’ll explore what it takes to get a position as a video game writer or narrative designer, including how to get experience that will make you stand out. We look at what the hiring process is like, what sort of writing tests you may be asked to perform, and how to connect with people in the industry. Verified learners who complete this course will receive feedback on their portfolio from the instructor. Verified learners will also access additional resources, including game industry interviews, assignments and discussion topics, connecting with a community of other writers and game enthusiasts.

Created by: University of British Columbia

Level: Introductory

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