Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>We the People: Civic Engagement in a Constitutional Democracy

We the People: Civic Engagement in a Constitutional Democracy

About this Course

When you read the Declaration of Independence do you feel inspired? Do you question those words? Do you think about what this means today? Constitutional democracy is not just what was written on paper nearly 250 years ago; it is a living activity. It’s about what citizens need to do to make democracy work, about identifying your civic beliefs and duties and what matters to you and why—and how you can become an active participant in your communities and influence your government. In We the People: Civic Engagement in a Constitutional Democracy, you will gain a foundational knowledge of American constitutional democracy and understand how to encourage others to explore their own civic paths, while in parallel crafting your own civic voice and identity. You'll learn about rights and responsibilities, constitutionalism, the philosophical foundations of democracy, and the levers of change. This course is built on more than ten years of academic research through the Democratic Knowledge Project, an initiative of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University. Don’t sit back—your civic actions are just beginning.

Created by: Harvard University

Level: Introductory

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