Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Viruses & How to Beat Them: Cells, Immunity, Vaccines

Viruses & How to Beat Them: Cells, Immunity, Vaccines

About this Course

Have you ever wondered what viruses actually are? Have you been curious about the ways they invade our bodies, attack our cells and make us sick? Come and learn what viruses are made of and understand the mechanisms of how they hijack and take over our cells. There is no need for a background in science - just bring your curious mind! Our bodies are made of cells, which are amazing molecular machines. So long as everything is in working order, we feel great. But surprisingly, these unbelievably tiny parasites made of Protein and Genes - viruses - can take over and cause serious damage to our bodies. Step by step, this course will teach you how the cells of our bodies work to keep us healthy. We will then explore the vast kingdom of viruses; especially those that have caused epidemics like the flu, AIDS and Ebola. Finally, we will systematically review our immune system, how it identifies "the enemies," and how it takes them out. The lectures have been carefully planned to clearly describe basic Cell Biology, Virology, and Immunology in terms that everyone can understand, without compromising scientific correctness. You'll participate in a detailed exploration of the structures in our cells and how they function. You'll learn how viruses replicate and the way our immune system protects us from disease, as well as how scientists investigate these topics. You'll view laboratory demonstrations that illustrate how cells and viruses are grown and studied. Throughout the course, you will meet leading experts and scientists - some of whom have received the Nobel Prize in recognition of their discoveries and contributions to Chemistry and Medicine. Together we will gain a clearer understanding of how science has been applied to produce effective diagnostic tests, better medicines, and protective vaccines. You'll gain fascinating and comprehensible knowledge that is also practical. It is our goal to arm you with sufficient credible and practical understanding of how vaccines work so that you can make better vaccine-relevant decisions for you and your family. This course was produced at Tel Aviv University by TAU Online - learning innovation center.

Created by: IsraelX,Tel Aviv University

Level: Introductory

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