Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Use Python for Non-Data Role

Use Python for Non-Data Role

About this Course

Even if you are not a person with a data specific role, knowing how to work with data is becoming a highly in-demand skill. More and more companies are collecting data, storing data, and making data-based decisions. From marketing to human resources, to finance and operations, knowing the basics of how to use a data language such as Python will make you even more desirable, valuable, and useful to your company. In this project, learners will learn how to get started with Python. They will learn how to upload Excel sets into Python; how to create lists, dictionaries, and tables; and even how to create Gantt charts with Python. This will arm people in all kinds of roles to use Python to perform data tasks.

Created by: Coursera Project Network

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