Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Time Management for Beginners

Time Management for Beginners

About this Course

Time Management is the process of exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities and planning to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. It involves juggling various demands upon a person’s social life, family, hobbies, personal interests and work commitments within the finiteness of time. If time is used effectively, people can manage tasks at their own time and with expediency. A time management system combines processes, tools, techniques and methods. Time management includes: Creating an environment conducive to effectiveness. Creating an environment for effectiveness is vital for time management as it limits the potential for distractions and unnecessary activities. For example, having a tidy environment gives individuals greater focus and limits time spent searching for items necessary to accomplish the tasks. In addition, the timing of tackling tasks is important. Tasks requiring high levels of mental energy and concentration may be done early morning when a person is refreshed. Setting of priorities. It is essential to recognise and know one’s priorities and their significance. It includes carrying out activities around prioritisation and reducing time spent on non-priorities.

Created by: State Bank of India

Level: Introductory

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