Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>The Postdoc Academy: Building Skills for a Successful Career

The Postdoc Academy: Building Skills for a Successful Career

About this Course

The Postdoc Academy provides skill development for postdocs as they prepare to transition into their next career step. Using inclusive, active-learning approaches, participants will build skills to (1) inform your approach to leadership, (2) build and supervise a team, (3) manage projects, (4) apply teaching skills beyond the classroom, (5) develop strategic communication skills and (6) prepare successful job application materials. Connect with other postdocs nationally and share your experiences within a second professional development MOOC built specifically for postdocs and created with postdocs. This course was created with funding from the National Institutes of Health grant number R25GM121257.

Created by: Boston University

Level: Advanced

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