Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Sustainable Global Food Systems

Sustainable Global Food Systems

About this Course

We are currently facing one of the biggest challenges worldwide: how to feed a growing population without exhausting global resources. This course examines food security from a food systems perspective and illustrates the major global challenges present, from the environmental impact of food production to the public health impacts of current and future diets. We look at where food systems and non-food policies interact, such as climate change and biodiversity conservation. You will be introduced to some of the tools used to collect information about these issues, such as the use of big data, modelling and behaviour change models. Finally, you will learn some of the interventions used across food systems to address these global challenges, from sustainable agriculture measures and sustainable certification to dietary guidelines and behaviour change.

Created by: The University of Edinburgh

Level: Introductory

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