Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Supporting Employee Wellbeing

Supporting Employee Wellbeing

About this Course

Psychologically healthy workplaces are increasingly becoming a prerequisite for high performance. But how can organizations create workplaces that support and promote wellbeing among employees? Using psychological theories and the latest research, this course explores factors which promote wellbeing and create inclusive workplaces, where employees are able to perform at their best. We will start by defining wellbeing and how it links to other concepts that we’ve discussed in the course, like engagement. We’ll talk about what factors promote wellbeing at work and how organizations can ensure these factors are in place. Another key topic in this course is how to prevent stress and burnout, and we’ll spend our next section learning about what these concepts mean, how they are related to each other and to wellbeing, and how they can be prevented. The concept of work-life balance is often discussed in media as an important factor, and we’ll take a good look at what this is, how it relates to wellbeing, and how it can be supported by organizations. Next, we move on to psychological safety and inclusion, two related and increasingly important topics in the workplace. We’ll look at how to create psychologically safe workplaces and how this supports inclusion, and performance. Finally, we’ll spend some time exploring the role of meaningful work for wellbeing, how employees can be supported in feeling like their jobs matter, and what employees can do themselves to feel better about their work. This course is part of the UCx Micromasters in Organisational Psychology, each teaching key topics that will increase your knowledge about this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the five courses

Created by: University of Canterbury

Level: Advanced

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