Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Service-Learning Pedagogy and Practice

Service-Learning Pedagogy and Practice

About this Course

At The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, we consider the civic development of our students as one of our core values. In order to achieve this, we have incorporated a number of initiatives on civic awareness, social responsibility, and community engagement into our courses. One of the core elements of this initiative is our institutional commitment to service-learning. The University’s pioneering service-learning programmes integrate academic study with community service, inspiring our students to apply professional knowledge and skills to give back to society. As of August 2018, over 16,000 students have spent more than 660,000 hours providing services for over 80,000 people within and outside of Hong Kong. Through this introductory course, we aim to share with you our own experience, and the most recent academic research, methods, and best practices, in order to help you build your own service-learning programme. In this course, we have incorporated up-to-date theory, multimedia, and peer-to-peer interaction to bring our own expertise together with the benefits of collaborative learning to create an engaging instructional environment. We have brought our own institutions' expertise in service-learning together with experienced teachers from around the world, and academic experts in the field to give you a range of perspectives and make the material as useful as possible. 香港理工大学(理大)相信学生的公民发展是教育的核心价值之一。为达到这一教育目标,理大在课程内加入了不少有助提升学生的公民意识、社会责任感和社区参与度的元素。其中一个重要举措,就是承担推行服务学习的责任。理大的服务学习课程把社区服务与学科学习结合,以鼓励学生运用专业知识和技能回馈社会。至2018年8月,已有超过16,000名理大学生在香港及海外地区为80,000多人提供660,000小时以上的服务。 我们希望透过这个入门课程,与您分享理大的经验,以及最新的学术研究、方法和最佳做法,以协助您开发自己的服务学习课程。 这个课程包含最新的理论和多媒体学习材料,并采用互动的学习模式,使我们的专业知识能结合协作学习的好处,创造了一个利于投入学习的环境。除了分享理大在推行服务学习方面的认识和经验外,这个课程也会提供世界各地在这方面经验丰富的教师和专家的见解,为您扩阔视野,务求令学习材料更能满足您的需要。

Created by: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Level: Introductory

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