Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Secure Software Development: Verification and More Specialized Topics

Secure Software Development: Verification and More Specialized Topics

About this Course

Modern software is under constant attack, but many software developers have never been told how to effectively counter those attacks. This course works to solve that problem, by explaining the fundamentals of developing secure software. Geared towards software developers, DevOps professionals, software engineers, web application developers, and others interested in learning how to develop secure software, this course focuses on practical steps that can be taken, even with limited resources to improve information security. This course will enable software developers to create and maintain systems that are much harder to successfully attack, reduce the damage when attacks are successful, and speed the response so that any latent vulnerabilities can be rapidly repaired. This course discusses how to verify software for security. In particular, it discusses the various static and dynamic analyses approaches, as well as how to apply them (e.g., in a continuous integration pipeline). It also discusses more specialized topics, such as the basics of how to develop a threat model and how to apply various cryptographic capabilities. This is the third of the three courses in the Secure Software Development Fundamentals Professional Certificate program, and was developed by the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), a project of the Linux Foundation focused on securing the open source ecosystem. The training courses included in this program focus on practical steps that you (as a developer) can take to counter most common kinds of attacks.

Created by: The Linux Foundation

Level: Introductory

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