Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Road safety in the Caribbean region: safe infrastructure

Road safety in the Caribbean region: safe infrastructure

About this Course

Do you know that 18% of road crashes could be related to the quality of road infrastructure? Studies pointed out that unlocking the potential of USD $1.4 trillion in targeted investment in safer roads would achieve 467 thousand lives a year. Are road investments enough? In a world where mobility patterns change fast due mainly to urbanization in Latin American and Caribbean countries, we should break the old concepts of car-oriented road design and move to more inclusive roads for all users. More than road investments, road engineers and public officers should learn the new concepts of road design, how to assess the quality of road networks from a safety standpoint, and apply the right tools to build a more forgiving road. In this course, you will learn more about the importance of road safety audits and inspections (RSAs and RSIs) for safer road infrastructure. The course will explore the RSAs’ methodologies and good practices worldwide, especially, in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through readings, videos, hands-on activities, and examples from countries around the world, the course will support the learners in changing road design practices. Enjoy the second course from the Road Safety series and be prepared to apply these concepts to build a safer road in your country! This course is "self-paced" so you can enroll at any time, even if the course has been open for a while. You can take it at the time that is most suitable for you inside the enrollment period of the course. If you opt for the Audit track , you could complete the course free and have 1 week to take the course from the day you subscribed. If you opt for the Verified track , you can access the course in an unlimited way and complete the qualified evaluations until the closing date after making a payment of $10. If you pass, in addition to the verified certificate, you will obtain a digital badge *that allows you to change how you share your academic and professional achievements, for example, on social media. *Did you know there is financial aid to opt for the verified certificate? 1. edX financial help: edX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but may not be able to pay the Verified Certificate fee. Subscribe to the course and apply for financial assistance. See more information in the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

Created by: Inter-American Development Bank

Level: Introductory

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